This look is perfect for an on the go look, that is easy to transform from day time to night time. White, gray or black colors are perfect for a neutral look, easy to combine with every outfit.
I guess we all know how to do our faces now. So I'm going to start directly with eyeshadows: 1. Start with a base shadow that is the color most close to your natural pigment. For me it's a milky white with some gold infusions. Apply this to the entire lid area, on the crease and under the brow bone.
2. Take a light gray color and apply in the outer half of the eye, on the lid and outer crease. Blend it with the base color. Take the color under the eye, close to the lash line, for more dimension. For a subtle day look you can stop here.
3. Take a little drop of black eyeshadow and place it right in the outer corner and blend it thoroughly. Make the desired shape of the eye, but don't take it more inside. It will it heavy and closer to a smoky eye.
4. Take you liquid eye lined and place it as close to the lash line, making a long wing at the end. Make short strokes in order to be more precise.
5. Take a waterproof eye liner and line your inner lash line. With a the brush you used with the black eyeshadow smoke out the line.
And that's it! Put 2 coats of mascara and you done.
What I use: Eyes: *Forres pallet, no.6, the light gray; * Dior pallet, the white and black shades
Hope this was helpful! Have a wonderful evening. Kissu
Not all of us have dark and full eyebrows. Some of us have light colored hair, spaces from a bad cosmetic session or just want another shape. I want to say from the start that I don't believe in shaving your eyebrows or making them very thin. The trend now is strong brows... for those that follow trends. I don't, but I like a somewhat strong brow on a girl because it allows you to make the rest of your face light and with little make-up. Defined brows help your face and individualize it.'s very pinupy :D...and I love me some pinup style.
Brow products are specially created ones, to coincide with your hair color and to help you with your eyebrow problems. There are powder formulas, crayon, wax, mascara or cakes (wax + powders). Powder is perfect for a natural look, combined with a light tint mascara or clear mascara. Crayons are perfect for filling gaps or changing the brow shape. Wax is for the moment when you want to tame the hairs with a light coloration. And I think what cakes are...You just need to pick the right color for you and with what product you feel most comfortable. For those that work in theater, and want an even more definition, I would recommend gel liners for eyes, the coverage being a high one.
When you use powder or cakes you should apply them with a angled stiff brush blending the color in the hair and fixing it with mascara. When using a crayon you should go through it, after you fill the brow, with a brow comb, also to blend it and make it more natural.
Always keep a finger on the face for a more precise application.
What I use: * Essence Brow Kit.
Hope this is helpful! Have a wonderful day! Kissu.
P.S.: This concludes the basics for face section. If you wish more precise or other method suggestions, feel free to ask!
If you want to have a somewhat hair color change, but don't want to go through all the ordeal of dying your hair, then natural or ammonia free products should be your choice. They don't penetrate the hair strands and alter the inside in order to change the color. They just stain the area. Henna is one of these products.
Henna is a plant, found in Africa and the south of Asia, and it has been used from ancient times (Bronze Age) to dye skin (body art and tattoos), hair, nails or wool and other materials. Henna also acts as an anti-fungal and preservative lotion. That is why it's used also in medical treatments. Henna colors because of the "lawsone" found in the leaves. This is a burgundy organic compound that has the property of binding itself with proteins. If the leaves aren't broken they will not stain, because the "lawsone" molecule needs to be released in order to stain. They need to be smashed with a acidic formula like tea tree, eucalyptus or lavender. In this way the stain process will happen faster and last longer. So natural henna is a reddish color, but now you can also find other colors like blond, brown or black, derived from the base colors.
But thanks to tehnology, now we can buy the plant already made into powder. Henna is a good dying product, because it fixates on the hair protecting it from external agents. It also makes it thicker and stronger and you will see that not so much hair will fall off after the process. It also helps the scalp and heals it in case of dandruff.
What you need: *one package of henna powder; *a larger ceramic or glass bowl (henna will stain plastic bowls and it will oxygenate in metal ones) and gloves; *your other products to put in the mixture; *shower cap and an old towel; *a cheaper, yet effective hair conditioner; *time and patience; henna is harder to make and apply than a normal dye and you also need time to sit with it (from 3 to 6 hours in order for the ingredients to stain and help the hair).
How I make my henna mixture (keep in mind you can add whatever you want in the mixture to keep the color longer or help the hair): *in the ceramic bowl I mix: pressed garlic (for my hair to grow faster and regenerate), one egg, castor oil (ulei de ricini; also for my hair to grow faster), vitamin A and F, one spoon of hair balm and 2-3 spoons of olive oil; *I add the henna powder in this mixture and combine them, also adding fresh lemon juice from one lemon (this will help the color fixate better); *in a medium tea pot I put water and place on fire until it reaches almost boiling point; put some chamomile or marigold flowers and let them boil; when I can't get anymore "juice" out, I put 2 teaspoons of coffee and cinnamon or cloves;I let them also to boil for 5 to 10 minutes; filter it while still hot; *I put the hot water on the mixture from before and mix it until it has the consistency of cream; I let it rest for 10 min and place it when still warm, not to burn my scalp (henna is most effective when hot or very warm); it the product went cold you can put it the microwave and warm it up a little; *I distribute it all over my head and hair,gloves on my hand, until I cover all of it; be careful not to place to much on the skin because you can stain it; *I cover my hair with a shower cap and an old towel, because some of the water will drip and stain if you aren't careful; the warmth of your body will make it work faster and more efficient; if you want it to go even faster you can use a blow dryer; *After 4 hours, when I want to wash it, I would put warm water on it and a medium amount of conditioner and start to work it through my hair; I repeat this step until all the "mud" is washed away (it will become muddy, but the lemon will keep it from drying); DO NOT SHAMPOO HAIR!! Chlorinated water and soaps may spoil the darkening process and alkaline products may hasten the darkening process (lemon is an alkaline, but you don't want to use it anymore for a natural effect).
In the beginning it will be a vibrant color, but from that point the darkening process will begin; in 2 to 3 days time this process will end and the color will appear to fade, as the stained dead cells exfoliate. Using warmth, even after you washed the hair, will continue the process of darkening. If you want that vibrant color you can wash the hair with shampoo, but the exfoliating will start faster. You should also dry your hair with an old towel because it can still stain even after you wash it.
The process is long, but the results are worth it!Your hair will be healthier, with natural shine and a color that, I for one haven't found in other dyes. For more recipes and ways to do your hair with henna go to this site:
Hope this was helpful. Have a nice evening. Kissu.
Just like we played with contouring, we can also play with highlighting. Highlight is what the name actually says: you highlight your best features and also create dimension to your face. You place the product where the sun usually hits the face to create natural highlight, such as your upper lip, above the cheekbones, in the inner corner of your eyes, the tip of your nose and under the eyebrow. For more drama, for pictures or clubbing, you can extend these areas to the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. But with care, because highlights are used to make the are brighter and more shinny.
Once more, you have a lot of picks when it comes to textures and colors (but keep in mind that all have a very sheer, but shimmery payoff). They can be liquidy, creamy, pressed or loose powdered. You can also use a eyeshadow that is light colored.
How to apply: 1. Above cheekbones: for that Victoria Secrets model look you need to place the product from the eyebrow to the nose, but don't put a lot of product under the eye because it can emphasize dark circles or bags.
2. Under the eyebrows and the inner corner: you place the product here in order to highlight the brow and eye. When doing your eye make-up, in these places you apply the highlight first or last, to brighten the eye and make it stand out. I recommend placing it last for a better color show). Tap and blend it so it wont stand out. 3. Above the upper lip: in order to make the lips bigger an fuller. I recommend a cream product here, because it stays put for a longer time. Tap it and slowly blend it.
4. Tip of the nose: another useful trick to make your face awake and dewy is to put a little product on the tip of the nose.
What I use: * ELF Healthy Glow Bronzing Powder, shade Luminance; * ELF Shimmery Facial Whip, shade Pink Lemonade.
Hope this was helpful!Wish you a nice weekend! Kissu.
We all love that healthy and natural blush to sit all day'round with us. But sometimes we are either pale, or sick, or sad, and our skin doesn't work with us. Thank God, we can help our complexion look at it's best with the smallest amount of work.
Blushes come in all textures, colors, sizes and shapes. In my opinion, picking one is the hardest part (I for one know I can't stop at just one; it's like being a chocoholic in a candy store). They are parted in a few big color categories like: pink, orange, red, brick and mauve. From these, alternations and mixes are formed. One thing to keep in mind: everybody can use every color, but in different amounts. But cool tones should stick to cool pigments (pink and mauve) and warm ones to warm pigments (orange, red, brick). In this way, you shall see that some colors compliment you more than others. Also, there are shimmery ones and mat ones ( I think these are very elegant, but harder to work with). As for textures, there are creams, pressed powders or loose powders. Creams are the lightest, making the face fresh and awake. Pressed powders are the most pigmented (depending on the product) and need some training because you can make a day look appear heavy. Loose ones are a medium consistency and can be either very light in color or very pigmented. It is easier to clean up a mistake with them.
What I use: (in the order of the pictures) *Beja Cosmetics, shade 2 (this is a cheap brand, found here in the shops from the subway) *Miss Sporty Creamy Blush, shade Bare *Farmasi Tender Blush On, shade 169 *Ushas Blush, i don't know the shade, but it's a darker rosy pink (also a cheap brand)
If you want to re-sculpt your face or slim it, contouring is the best way to do so (either this or surgery, ladies :D). Contouring is made with a darker shade placed in key points on your face. You can modify almost every feature, from your fore head, cheeks, double chin, nose, eyes or even your jaw. The idea is to play with the natural shadows on your face, make them deeper or cover them (usually that is why you apply foundation, to have a flawless "sheet" of paper to work on). Contouring goes hand in hand with highlighting. With the first you create depth and with the second you bring out features. You do have to be careful working with darker or lighter colors. Try it before you go out or do your make-up for an event. Practice makes it perfect. Use small amounts and build up...don't put a lot on your face from the first's easier to reapply and build the color, then trying to diffuse it. You can use either a cream formula or powers. (If you pick cream, use it on your foundation not after you apply face powder)
So how do we re-sculpt our faces?
1. Cheeks - this is the part most people want to change, either making them more evident or creating ones (for those with round or full faces). Sit in front of your mirror. This part is very difficult...I need you to make... a fish face :)). Very difficult!! Now look on the bone structure of your cheeks. The top part is saved for highlighting, the middle and most prominent are the "apples" of your cheeks. Here you shall leave it for your blush. We are going to work the lower part, under the "apples". For an even easier way to find the lower part, take your index finger (aratator), middle finger and ring finder, placing them on your face so that the index in right beneath your eye and the tip of your middle finger touches your nose. In this way, the ring finger shows you the exact place (for my face it is the ring finger; for others could be the little finger, but rarely). In this place you will work the darker product, from middle of the bone toward the hair line, diffusing it for a natural look.
2. Fore-head - for those that have a high fore-head, you need to apply the product on your temples, taking it up through the hair line. The effect will be of a tinnier head-top. If you want to slim it, you just put the powder on your temples, taking it strait up, not through all your hair line.
3. Double chin and jaw line - if you want to hide a double chin you need to lift your head and apply the product right where the natural chin ends, taking it towards your neck, diffusing it. In making a masculine jaw appear softer you need to apply the powder on the outer corners of the jaw, in order to "cut" in it and work it until it suits you.
4. Nose - to make your nose slim and straight, you need to apply the product on the sides of the nose, leaving the middle part untouched for a natural highlight. Diffuse it toward the face, not the center of the nose. Put little product and build it, because in this area it's hard to clean if you make a mistake.
5. Lips - to make you lower lip appear fuller add a dash of the product under the lower lip in the center, blending it.
6. Eyes - this technique is used if you don't want to apply eyeshadows, but still want some definition; use an eye brush and apply the product on your crease, also blending it.
In order for your make-up to last all day long you need to fix it. Now here is where powder kicks in. Before I start, I need to make a a clear point on something: NEVER put creams on powders, always put powders on creams in order to fix them and make them stand put.
Now...powder...again..lots of decisions and picks. Powders can be compact, translucent, mineral or pressed. For a very light and easy look use products that are loose. Put a bit into the cap, give the brush a swirl and then apply it. For a heavier and more coverage use pressed and compact. If you use this method, press the brush on the product, move it just a little (if you swirl it in the powder, it's going to absorb a lot of product and cake on your face, make it appear a lot older and not so fresh). You can also use a powder buff, but I don't recommend using the brushes or the sponges that come with the product.
Concealer is your best friend if you need to cover different aspect on your face. There are different formulas and colors, depending on what you need it to do. Remember the color wheel when your were a kid? You can use it in your makeup! Red neutralizes green, yellow - violet, orange - blue, etc. This is how you have to think when you buy concealer.
Skin toned concealers have either more orange, yellow, blue or green undertones. Some are the actual color, to apply strait on the problem area. Green is good for blemishes and break-outs, yellow and orange for under-eye circles. Concealers are creamy, fluid or powder textured.
How to use: under the eyes, around the nose and the mouth and on your problem areas.
The first make-up product that helps the entire look stand out and be flawless, is foundation. The name says exactly it is. A foundation for all the other item that are going on your face. It neutralizes different pigmentation on your skin, hides imperfections, protects you from external influences and some even have beneficial aspects for acne and wrinkles. So there are fluid textures, compact ones ( fluid combined with powder), powders, mineral or mousse (somewhat compact, but mixt in such way to have air in it). Each has different coverage powers, fluid ones being the lightest on the face. Mineral ones are the most natural, but some people break out from them. In my opinion compact and mousse are the most "heavy" on the face. If you want an even more sheer and light coverage ( for the summer, for example) either mix your foundation with moisturizer or get a tinted moisturizer (it's the same thing, but in a pre-made product). How to apply: 1. The first way, is with your most trusty "accessory" : your fingers. Believe it or not that is the most used way in applying foundation. Be sure to wash your hands before and after applying, and in this way you can make sure you won't get bacteria on your face. Use circular motion. Start from the center of your face and work it to the hair line and under the chin, neck and chest. 2. Second way is with a sponge, next in line after fingers. But a small amount on the back of your hand and press the sponge on to it. Then press it on your face.In this way you will cover all the imperfections and bumps on your face. 3. Third way is with a foundation brush. Be careful to wet or moist your brush, or else the brush will make streaks on your face. With this you need to start from the margins of your face to the center. Again, put a small amount on the back of your hand, press the brush on and then work it on your face. 4. For this step you need a stippling brush. Again, take your foundation and press the flat part of the bristles on the product. Then either do circular motions on your face or stipple it (press lightly and fast). This will make a air brush effect. 5. You can also use a air brush device. But I don't think Sephora brings them here for now. Hope this was helpful! Have a nice day.
Ever since I know myself, and started taking care of my nails, I have always had problems. Exfoliating most of the times. And I tried everything out there that i could get my hands on. From drugstores at least... Now, Rimmel Nail Rescue: brought this about 3 days ago and never used it until now. On the bottle it said that in week 1 you need to apply 2 days in a row the treatment. In week 2 you clean it and reapply it again for 2 days. This is the first day, so I will keep you posted. On a first feel, the tip of my nails is really white now. On a first glace, it's really shinny, but the kind of shinny that combines the white with the skin color...a somewhat fake nail effect. I like it so far and i do hope that it can finally cure my exfoliating issue.
What other treatments I used: * Miss Sporty: Nail Expert Manicure, for damaged nails. (LOOOOOVED IT!!! but now I'm out of it, and I'm sobbing after it); * Kallos, Love Collection, nail repair ( first, it did the job, or so I thought, but when i took it off, my nails were yellow and chipped in a few hours); *Essence Whitening & Brightening set (it is mainly for toe nails, but i used on both hands and feet...what I can say is that it is great for french manicure...on its own..not so chipped on me on the second day on almost all the nails.)
Update: Once again technology fails me, and my stubborn nails always...stubborn. The treatment resisted on them for about 5 days. In the last 2, it started cracking, revealing massive exfoliation under the first layer of my nail. I had to cut them short and they still exfoliated. I don't think I'm not going to apply it for the next week (I want some sort of nail there). I think I'm going to use it just as a top coat (because it lasted so much). For what it was meant...hate it!!
In a few days is going to be Saint Valentines Day. With all the commotion around the town, hearts all over, expensive jewelery and all the pink and reds, one has to think if we lost along the way, like so many other, the true meaning of this day. Around here we have our own V-day, called Dragobete. In Romanian traditions, Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia, a somewhat winter queen in our storys. (baba means old lady). He was considered a love God. At beginning of time he used to be seen, but as people grew more and more evil, he became invisible. For him, young people had celebrations in nature which were followed by weddings. Another tradition was to make big fires on the hills early in the morning also by young adults. When noon came, girls started to run to the village ( they were see as flying, zburatorit). The boys chased them and if they caught they girl, that they fell in love with and also liked them, she would kiss them in full view. That is why this holyday is also known as "Dragobete kisses his girl" because the kiss meant the were engaged. In this time older lady's used to say "be careful not to get caught by Dragobete in the woods" to older girls or recently married ones. People had to take care of animals and birds and not make any sacrifices. On this day nature comes to life, bears come out from their dens, birds start to nest and spring slowly, but firmly starts to kick in.
"The day is known as "the day when the birds are betrothed". It is around this time that the birds begin to build their nests and mate. On this day, considered locally the first day of spring, boys and girls gather vernal flowers and sing together. Maidens used to collect the snow that still lies on the ground in many villages and then melt it, using the water in magic potions throughout the rest of the year. Those who take part in Dragobete customs are supposed to be protected from illness, especially fevers, for the rest of the year. If the weather allows, girls and boys pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for the person they are courting." (Wikipedia; I had no idea about this..there are so many regions in Romania and a lot more traditions in every one).
I decided to make a look based on the modern colors, because peasant girls didn't used make-up (But on what they used...that is another story):
It's a very simple look with little product, wearable even after this day. I didn't use powder for my eyebrows or black mascara. to get it? I mixted my foundation with my daily moisturizer for an even more sheer look. I used a little concealer under my eyes, around my nose and mouth. Cream blusher just on the apples of my cheeks. A dash of powder to keep it from moving (placed on my forehead, nose and chin and also around my eyes), a tiny amount of a darker powder for contouring ( I am so white that even Light seems dark on me). And that is it for the face. Eyes are as such: Don't laugh to hard on my "graphic". I know I am :))...but still let's go on. I used a nude color on my entire lid (1), but didn't went pass the crease. I applied then a light rosy color on the crease (2) and a darker rose color on the outer "V"(3) and bellow the bottom lash line. Took a flat topped brush and a medium brown shadow and made a line as close to the lash line as i could (4). I used after that a white shimmery shadow under the brow and in the inner corner, meeting the dark rose color. Don't use a lot of product if you want a light, dewy look. To finish, i user a brown waterproof mascara (who knows what kind of present your man's going to give need to be prepared :)) ) As for the lips...depends on your valentine :D. But I used a light pink gloss.
What products I used: Face: * L'oreal Visible Lift, shade 105 Porcelain; * Miss Sporty Creamy Blush, shade Bare; * Golden Rose Silky Touch Compact Powder, shade 05; * ELF Clarifying Pressed Powder, shade Tone 2; Eyes:*1+2 -Perfect eyes,"I *heart* just you"( shade no.1); *3+4 - Forres pallet, shade no.6; (make the pictures bigger to see exactly)
* Miss Sporty, Waterproof Mascara, shade brown;
Lips: *Stilla Lip Glaze, shade grapefruit.
Hope you enjoy and have a nice V-day with your loved one! Kissu
An important step in having a flawless looking skin and make-up, you need a base. That is where a primer steps in.
There are lots of them. You just need to find one that best suits your skin. There are different formulas for different skin problems such as: spots and uneven pigment, acne scars or other forms of scaring, uneven skin or other problems. Primers can be colored, for the spots or a creamier lotion, for the scar and unevenness.
There ain't much to say about primers. They go on your face as your moisturizer, clear, for most of the part. There are face primers and eye primers. Eye primers make your eye shadows stick longer and make the colors pop and vibrate.
What I use:
Missha, The Style, in purple (purple cancels different pigmentation)
Have you ever experienced overly dry sky, mixt complexion turning into oily all over, breakouts, acne spots, blemishes, areas of redness? It could be that you have a skin condition and these are sometimes due to changes in the season, your diet, all types of stress or environment. It could be that you haven’t moisten your skin properly.
We hear all day long on Tv, read in magazines and here from our nutritionists and doctors that we need to drink daily 2l of water. Most of us take those words in vain…I know I have, for long periods of time, and when our bodies react to this, we don’t know from where it came. A few years ago I would have been glad if I drank one or two glasses of water. Bad, bad…really bad. My skin suffered along with my kidneys. I have a mixt complexion (meaning my T area –forehead, nose and chin- are oily and the rest of my face, normal to dry) and I suddenly had the worst relationship with my skin. It became very oily or very dry, make-up dripping off or falling in flakes. You surely wouldn’t want that! I went to my doctor and when I got my results I realized how important water was. My kidneys had lots of “sand”, and I was very close to growing “rocks” inside me. So this is how I started drinking my 2 l of water per day.
I know some people that just can’t drink that much water.I don’t think of it much now, but here are some ways to help you:
·Get yourself some boiled water and a pack of natural, no flavors, additives or other nasty stuff, tea. Green Tea, Fruit Tea, Marigold(Galbenele) Tea, Chamomile( Musetel) Tea and the list can go on and on. Green tea and hot water make your best friends and the worst nightmare for your unwanted body fat. I don’t know one person that doesn’t like Fruit Tea. Marigold and Chamomile have healing and cleansing properties. I do have to say that I never use sugar in my tea, not even brown, in order to get the most of the plants.
·If you don't like tea, I suggest boiling some lemon slices. Wash your lemon as best as you can, but don't scrape the peel off because you have your vitamin C there. I cut my slices into little pyramid shapes, to get more juice out of them. In this way, you have a hot lemonade, perfect for the cold nights and again a very good friend against unwanted body fat . Lemon cleans the stomach and the vitamin C does the job best from there.
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Eat seasonal fruits and try to buy them from people you are sure that they don't add additives or growing factors. I embraced the Eco trend a long time before it was a trend, and now that I don't eat meat too often it's mu best frind. I take an apple and a carrot and mixt them in the blender It's yummy and it keeps me full for some good hours. This also keeps your skin looking healthy and youthful and keeps away wrinkles.
Why so much hot water? Since ancient time Asian people use hot water for daily use to keep their body clean and healthy. The drink it during their meals and mixt it with green tea. Cold water tends to thicken and block blood arteries. Warm water flows in your body taking care of your internal organs. Most of the bacteria, good and bad , sit in our stomach. Hot water cleans it helps you digest the food and take out the unnecessary elements faster out.
So we now know how to take care on the inside. But what about the outside?
Weather is an important aspect for our skin. We sit in the sun all day in sumer, we start to cover it in the fall, we don’t even see ourselves in the winter and in spring our skin gets “drunk” with liberation. So how to make your skin look at her best in all the moments of the year? By using some sort of protection and hydrating factors.
For your face:
·In winter we need something a little bit “fatty”, but still work around our skin complexion. Don’t over do it, because you might change the balance in your skin. Always use something with an SPF. If you don’t really see the sun, that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
·In summer, SPF is a Must!! We don’t want sun burns, premature wrinkles, spots or uneven skin.
·On the lips and around the eyes use a gentile gel based cream specific for that area. It will sink into the skin faster and protect these delicate areas.
·Always, ALWAYS clean your make-up!!! Even if you are dead tired, a sleeping zombie or other undead creatures, always clean your face!! If you don’t, your pores will suffer and so your skin will also. Make-up is good (in my opinion) but up to a point. When you sleep your skin relaxes and your pores take all the make-upand dead skin in. From here can imagine.
For you body:
·Same principle work for your body as well as for your face. But with a twist. The skin on the body is a lot tougher. It need different products, but the principle is the same. Use creamy formulas in the winter and lighter ones with SPF in the summer.
·Use scrubs weekly in order to eliminate dead skin on your body. In this way, your skin will regenerate and the moisturizer will work more efficiently.
What I use:
vFor my face I use right now Nivea Visage Oxygen Power, Day and Night formulas. I cant say I love it…wanted to try it for a long time but I’m not that satisfied with it. I moisturizer I used and loved was the Artistry Balancing Cream. It was great for my skin and went really smooth and my skin “ate” it like a kid eats sweets.
vFor my body I use Minus -417, body oil. I find that oils work best for me, because I have a normal to dry skin. It was only natural ingredients and it even works in summer on the beach, but with a SPF cream, because it doesn’t have SPF.
I DON’T RECOMMENT: Lotions that have petroleum derived elements. (petroleum jelly –vaselina-, paraffinum, mineral oil). They create a waterproof layer, that doesn’t let the skin breathe changing her metabolism. When Vaseline was invented, the scientist used to induce wounds on his skin and apply it on them and the wounds would heal fast. That was because kept the moist in and block microbes. Other then that…nothing. So I don’t recommend it for daily use. Also those that have parabens should be avoided, because they have a bad influence on nature.