I know Seventeen products since I was a kid and my mom brought lip glosses from them. I loved the texture, but somehow I always thought of them as products for a mature skin. Also in high school, some of my gal' mates used the foundation from them, but I didn't take too much notice.
They recently have the launch of some new products, got out some new magazines with looks and had a somewhat change in the ingredients. So I thought...why not take a look? While browsing, another girl came, tested the foundation and then started talking on how much she loves it and how much her sister is also in love with it...how it doesn't look like a mask and blends so well...I find these small chats on cosmetics very nice and it's a great way to exchange opinions! (my teacher in management always said that a happy customer can influence up to 7 -8 other potential customers; but an unhappy one can influence even as much as 20 other people...funny huh?)
Thus been told, I found myself at the counter with a brand new bottle of foundation, with a personal bonus: a new pressed powder....couldn't help myself. *innocent glare*

The texture of the foundation is so light and yet it covers everything so well that I don't even have to use a concealer anymore! Because of some recent events I had a mild break out because of the stress accumulation. The product didn't gather or clogged on the sensible areas, reduced the shine and it lasts all day long with no transfer. And "in a combo" with the powder...I have no worries!
The powder is also very light and has a medium coverage. It didn't dry up my skin when I used it alone and it stayed put for some good hours. I would recommend using it with the foundation, but it does work fine even without!
The products contain zinc and bee wax and this also helped me to reduce the break out and heal the areas! The wax is great in order to make the product more lasting and not let the excess oils or perspiration alter the finished look.

Foundation - Time Plus, shade medium;
Powder - Natural Color Compact Powder, shade medium beige.
The difference is small, almost unnoticeable and I also use it on my neck and chest.
Hope this is helpful!! Have a nice weekend!