I know a lot of gals and boy that have a trunk full of cosmetic items stored up in the bathroom. I do admit that I am also guilty, but in this economical state you have to set priorities straight and see if it's really worth it all! Personally, I found that home made cosmetics work better on my skin than those from the drugstore. Plus...it's free from parabens ( preservatives ), petrol derives and no animal have been hurt in the making of :P. If you want to know how...keep on reading.
Home made body exfoliant:
I know I use them up like crazy!! Exfoliants are great for your skin. They help you get rid of the dead skin, renew it and also tone it. In summer is a must because it can make your skin get tanned faster and keep a longer bronze ( after exfoliating, you tan a fresh layer of skin ).
If you are still at home:
1. Grab about 4 spoons of salt and 2 to 3 spoons of sugar ( sugar is strong ingredient, so you can vary the amount for a gentle or harder scrub ). In order to make the combine, you can add your shower gel of choice, but if you want to go natury all the way...add olive oil, vitamin E in and vitamin A in oil form ( vitamin E: prevents aging of the cells and also helps the vitamin A to work better; vitamin A: takes care of the skin and hydrates ). Wash your entire body and use a hard sponge to take wash off any oils left. (this is great for dry or normal complexions).

2. If you have oily or normal skin and you don't want to use oils, you can use sodium bicarbonate and mix it with your shower gel of choice. It is a little drying, but it's a very good exfoliant.
If you are sun bathing:
The most efficient exfoliant is right next to you and you can't get more natury than this: the sand and sea. Go get yourself wet and rub some wet sand on your skin. ( I would go for that which is next to the water or if you can get some from under...it has already salt and minerals from the sea ). Go back in for a wash and apply sun lotion after you dry yourself. Feel how incredibly smooth your skin is? Repeat it a few times during the day and you are going to get an incredible tan!

Home made face exfoliants:
Your face skin is a little more sensitive than your body...but you already know that. You can have different skin tipes and you have to know how to work with them.
For oily skin:
1. Just as before...salt and sugar are your friends. You can add them separately in your daily face wash lotion or mix them.
But you can also try something more "green":
-on a cotton bud squeeze some lemon juice; add sugar on it and rub it vividly on your face;
- wet your face; rub in sugar; remove the sugar with a cotton bud that was lemon juice on it.
The sugar with take away dead skin cells and the lemon will absorb the excess oils.
2. For a daily exfoliant ( I wouldn't recommend it, because you can force the skin to over produce oils; once every 2-3 days is better ) you can used sodium bicarbonate:
- in your daily cleanser;
- wet your face; apply it and rub it on your skin; remove with water;
3. In case of acne: take a few pills of Aspirin ( preferably without "skin") and let them sit in a few drops of water. They will break up and you can use it as such on your face. You can also use a old toothbrush to rub it in on the areas where acne acts up.
For dry skin:
Exfoliating is tricky on a dry complexion. It is necessary, but once or twice a week is more than ok!
1. Sugar ain't so good for you, being so hard. You can use it, but mix it with hydrating agents like: yogurt, honey, olive oil, vitamin E in oil form or even tea. You can also do this with salt and sodium bicarbonate and even mix them.
2. For acne problems, you can use Aspirin, but mix it with honey.
For mixed skin you can use the tips from above and alternate. For the T zone ( forehead, nose and chin) use oil free and on the rest use some sort of hydrating factors.
In any of the cases, please be careful not to over do it!! You can cause your skin to react in a way that will over produce oils or over dry.
You can also use salt and sodium bicarbonate in your bath.
Hope this was helpful!
Ps: Stay tuned for more home spa posts!
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